Friday, March 21, 2008

Steam problems - Ubuntu Forums

I just wanted to add the following URL ( that I found which talks about installing The Orange Box set, I assume some of these steps should also work for Steam as The Orange Box uses Steam.

Non of the earlier suggestions lower in this post seemed to be working for me, but in searching I found the below post at ...
" OK, here's the story:

Reinstalling wine worked. Also the 'install gecko' worked also.

On the original install, I did not 'wait' for the over 5 minute installation of
'winecfg' to work. I just renamed the wine.xxxx to wine and went from there.
A big mistake.

(copy Steam to another directory for safe keeping)
1. Removed .wine via cd home directory, rm -rf .wine
2. Full Removal of package via Synaptics
3. Reinstalled via Synaptics (must have new repo's in config for latest wine)
4. Open terminal, cd home directory, run 'winecfg', see multiple errors with
mixer/printer, etc, IGNORE.
5. Take coffee break, come back 10 minutes later
6. Wine installed
7. Moved my Steam directory back into Program Files.
8. cd to Steam, run wine ./Steam.exe
9. Steam opens up, asks for Gecko install, say yes
10. All is well, can't seem to keep video settings, but I'll work that out.

For Vitaliy Margolen/WINE, Thanks for the help with my noob mistakes .
I closed the BUG report."

I haven't tried this method yet, but I think it sounds like the next step for me. However, Nautilus is acting up as well as other things, so I'm going to reboot my PC and see if some issues clear up.

This did not solve my problem, but my guess is because POL creates "bottles" for each game/application. As I understand it, "bottles" are autonomous WINE instances, so you can have different WINE settings for each game/app. So, while the below worked to install Gecko into WINE, it was not in the bottle containing Steam.

What DID solve my problem was running "wineboot" from a terminal, then running Steam from POL again... this time it came up to the Steam app window with no content in it. Switching between the tabs and back to "Store" made the Gecko install message show back up. The difference is, this time when I clicked "Install", it actually ran the install in this "bottle"... well, it's still "Downloading" the install... so this STILL may not be the answer, but I'm getting closer I think. ;-)

Steam problems - Ubuntu Forums:
"Re: Steam problems
Open a terminal and enter the following:

wine iexplore

This will install gecko. Once installation finishes, run Steam again."

I had this problem when I would run Steam after installing it through PlayOnLinux (POL). This was VERY helpful and simple.

I will post more on POL, but right out of the box, after installation there was no icon to launch it. I'm not sure if I did something wrong, but I had to browse to the installed location to launch it (it installs to /usr/share/playonlinux in case you are looking for it too). I will create a n icon for it... but I tried to use a steam install script off the web designed for POL and it would immediately exit... not sure why yet, but when I opened POL it had a choice to install Steam right from the app.. maybe POL needs to be running in order to run the scripts??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, and my guide should work for anything from valve in steam, if you have any problems drop me a line.
