Monday, March 3, 2008

How to Install Vmware Server in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) -- Ubuntu Geek

How to Install Vmware Server in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) -- Ubuntu Geek:

I'm using this how-to to install VMware server on my Gutsy server. So far so good. ;-)

Okay, I have my Ubuntu 7.10 server installed without X11, and therefore could NOT complete the configuration of VMware Server!! I couldn't find anywhere that says X11 is a requirement of VMware Server.

Anyway, it would throw up a list of the libraries I was missing and it took me FOREVER to find a post that gave me some good information to go on.

FIRST, install "apt-file" by typing: sudo apt-get install apt-file.
Second, update apt-file by typing: sudo apt-file update (this will take a long time as it is reading the package contents of all the packages it can find from your apt sources.list locations).
Third, look for a library/file by typing: sudo apt-file find .
Fourth, run apt-get install and the name of the package/s you need.

Once I resolved all the missing libraries the config went smooth as butter. I'm guessing this wouldn't be a problem on a workstation or server install that has X11 installed and configed.

What a PITA!

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