Monday, March 10, 2008 | Doing more with more: Dual-head display | Doing more with more: Dual-head display:

"In, set the first display and type in the applications you want to start there. Then, set the second display and type in the applications you want to start on that monitor. You may want to put the 'intrusive' applications (email, IRC) on the secondary monitor.

Here is an example start-up script for a dual-independent display (that is, on in which you specify either DISPLAY=:0.0 or DISPLAY=:0.1):"

Go to the page for the example. This page was written for Red Hat, but it should work on any Linux distro (possibly with some tweaking).

I have two monitors of different sizes on my main PC, and TwinView (one display expanded across both monitors) didn't work well with my different resolutions (there was "dead space" where the virtual desktop continued but I had no monitor to show that portion... so I would sometimes lose applications there).

I have certain apps I like to run on my smaller display so they are 1) always visible, and 2) aren't taking up my primary workspace. I tried to start one of these applications at "startup" on my secondary display, but it starts on my primary display. I found this post and will try this. Hopefully it won't take too much tweaking for Ubuntu.

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