Monday, March 3, 2008

My oldest son is now a Trekky

Last night my wife had to run out to help her family and our kids were still getting over a HORRIBLE bout with the stomach flu (lasting about 2 weeks off and on in each kid). The two middle kids (I have 4) were fast asleep on the couches, and the baby was face down asleep on the floor. So I told my wife as she was leaving that I would just sleep downstairs with all of them.

I had started to watch Episode 1 of the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD collection earlier that day but didn't get through it very far. So I wanted to finish it and my oldest was begging me to watch it. So I agreed and put it on.

It's funny watching kids relate things that they know to things they are only just experiencing. My son said to me, "This reminds me of Galaxy Quest", to which I said, "Galaxy Quest is a play-off of the original Star Trek series." He said, "This is much better than Galaxy Quest." ;-)

So, after the episode ended, he started BEGGING me to watch the next episode! I told him it was a school night and he needed to get to sleep. So I put in Tron which he's seen a million times with me and could fall asleep because nothing about it was new and exciting keeping his interest. Now he'll be begging me to watch more episodes, so it's a good thing I have the first 3 seasons already. ;-)

I'd love for him to watch the movies too, but they can get a little scary for a kid, like the Borg in "First Contact" (one of my all time favorite movies by the way). We'll see how he does with the shows and then maybe I'll let him see some of the movies during daylight hours. ;-)

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