Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How to display your web site logo on the address bar and in the favorites list

My friend sent me a link to this site (http://tools.dynamicdrive.com/favicon/) when I told him how much I struggled with created an icon that was only 16x16 pixels. I put in the original (much larger) image I was trying to recreate in a 16x16 pixel square and it resulted in almost an IDENTICAL image to my final from scratch!! I was blown away. It *was* too light, but I could have started with this and just added some darker colors where needed to make it pop and standout. I also realized I could have cropped the original image tighter to remove the surrounding white space which would have helped when it converted it.

I'm still glad I went through the process of creating one from scratch because it forced me to think differently graphically than having unlimited space to create (like the original image I created). But from now on, the above site will be where I start. ;-)

How to display your web site logo on the address bar and in the favorites list:

I have been doing a bit of web work for my personal company and when I looked at my site in the tabs compared to EVERY other web site I had open in tabs, I realized everyone was using favicon's with an image. It honestly makes it easier for me to see which tab I want to open when I have like 20 of them open. ;-)

I figured it couldn't be that hard to do, and found this page that describes how to do it. The hardest part was trying to create a favicon I liked... I mean, you only have 16 pixels squared to work with here. :-D I'm happy with what I finished with. (http://realtwistedpair.com)

Instructions from the linked site:
"How to display your web site logo on the address bar and in the favorites list
Want to make your web site standout in crowded favorites lists in browsers and address bars? How about displaying your logo next to links to your site.
First, you have to create a logo for your site; a very tiny logo to be specific. The size of the logo should be 16x16 pixels and it should be saved as a Windows icon file (logo.ico for example).

Once you have an icon file with your logo, you're ready to take the final step. Following methods will work in Explorer 5.x and higher without having any negative effects on other browsers.
Method 1
This is the easiest method to implement and it will work regardless of the particular page on your site users choose to add to their favorites list. Don't worry if you don't have access to your web site root; take a look at the next method.
If you have access to the root of your web site, simply save your icon file as "favicon.ico" there. For example, if your web site is "www.chami.com", your icon file should be available at "www.chami.com/favicon.ico". The web browser will look for favicon.ico whenever your site is added to the favorites list and if it is found at the root of your web site, the icon will appear next to the link to your site.
Method 2 If you don't have access to the root of your web site, you have to add the following tag to your web page so that the browser will know where to look for your icon. Unlike before, this time you can save the icon under any name ending with ".ico" ****You'll have to go to the page to get the html code since the blogger post barked at me for a tag not being allowed (lol)****

Monday, March 2, 2009

Multibooters - Cloning Vista

Multibooters - Cloning Vista

Good information on cloning Vista and potential problems/fixes.