Sunday, February 17, 2008

Videocenter - now with major channels - Internet Tablet Talk Forums

Videocenter - now with major channels - Internet Tablet Talk Forums:

click mp4 to watch program on your 770/N800. Click Pod, paste URL to Videocenter>Tools>Services>Internet video, close (it takes several minutes), now you have CBS News on VC! Thank god, now you can take your eyes of those TeXtra, GeekBrief. There are 5 programs from CBS. They all work.

BTW, they all streamed, so 1) you see it right away, no dl; 2) does not cluster your precious MMC space."

I want to find more of these types of feeds. When I find them I will post them.

On that page found the link to the feed for The Discovery Channel
Copy the link location from your N800 and paste it for the URL of the Internet Videos in Video Center.

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